One of the effects that flooding has on people is a huge blow to the local economy. In the Bocastle floods, local tourism levels dropped. This impacted the local economy dramatically as tourism is one of Bocastles main profit makers.
Another effect of flooding is property damage. In the Bocastle floods cars, businesses and homes were damaged or destroyed. As a consequence, the local livelihood dropped significantly and left many people traumatised and depressed by the event.
Furthermore, the natural beauty of Boscastle was ruined due to the floods. After floods, rivers often get contaminated with paint and chemicals from property destruction.
Lastly, floods can damage crop and livestock. The water kills or uproots plants that can be sold or that attract tourism and livestock that may be kept to sell or to attract tourism can be injured or even killed.
4/6 - A great attempt Riaz. Check the mark scheme and focus on the Level 3 criteria. The answer doesn't need to be long, but EXPLICIT. Facts, clear explanations of the effects. 'X' happened, social effects were 'x, y and z' as a result. Environmental effects were...
Flooding can affect people dramatically. For example in the Boscastle floods (16 August 2004) had completely drowned the whole town within a few hours. The flash flood meant people had no time to prepare for the flood meaning thousands of personal possessions were lost in the flood water. This also meant that food and water could have been contaminated causing more deaths and diseases.
Another point is for the economy. The floods had completely damaged the town, destroying homes, cars, and worst of all, destroying the main part of Boscastle's money making business: Tourism. This affected the town massively, meaning that repairing houses costed borrowed money, as the money made from tourism had been lost.
Floods completely damaged the environment too. Contaminated water got into the soils of trees and plants, meaning they had nothing to help them grow. Local livestock and farmer's land was also destroyed by the floodwater whether is may be from bad chemical filled drinking water or by just drowning, and meat was another money making part of Boscastle's economy.
The affect that flooding can have on people can sometimes be quite devastating. In areas that are prone to flooding, people are more prepared for floods. However, in places where flash floods occur, people are not prepared, and therefore these floods can affect them greatly. Personal possessions are lost and destroyed, and not all of them can be replaced. Cars can be washed away; and example of where this happened is Boscastle.
Flooding also affects the economy, because businesses and attractions for tourists are destroyed, and this has a massive impact on the economy.
An impact that flooding has on the environment is that it destroys the landscape of the area. Flooding can also contaminate soil and water supplies, and kill animals and crops which bring in an income.
Flooding can affect people in extreme ways. For example the Boscastle floods which happened on the 16 August 2004 destroyed, devastated and drowned the whole town in less than a day. This was a flash flood which meant that people in the area had no time to prepare for the flood which resulted in thousands of peoples belongings and possessions were lost in the flood water. Also the Flood may have reached high enough to wash away or cover the foods in filthy water which could have many harmful bacteria causing illness The flooding also affects the economy because the flood had drastically damaged the town, destroying homes, cars and what was most important for the town in general Tourism. This affected the town abundantly meaning that repairing damaged houses costed the town money they did not have because the money made from tourism had been lost.
The flooding obviously damage the environment as well. Contaminated water damaged trees and plants, killing them. local farmer's land had also been destroyed meaning they could not grow crops and had no food for their animals, and meat was another part of Boscastle's economy.
flash floods can effect people in a lot of ways!the flood that happened in boscastle in august 2004 ruined a town under 24 hours. this is a flash flood which means no one has time to prepare for the flood. this can damage cars, buildings and even the whole town. flooding can destroy the economy if businesses are ruined and it can stop tourists. this can also affect the environment by destroying plants, trees and could cause farms to be destroyed because they wouldn't be able to grow crops.
4/6 Good effort Ellis. Watch capital letters at the begining of sentences. Again, much like above... SLI! How many cars, what about the harbour and local fishermen etc?
Flooding though due to modern technique, the effects can be reduced the flood can sometimes overcome the barriers often causing major damage to the area often causing millions of pounds of damage and in some cases loss in life, it can also mean that the town now has contaminated food supplies. In the case of Boscastle, in Cornwall. There was a massive flood.Though there was no loss of life , it was a hit to the infrastructure and buildings were lost and the town was destroyed a a flash flood that lasted only a few hours. The town who's revenue came from tourism and farming collapsed as entire farmlands were flooded with contaminated water and livestock was lost.Since the flood destroyed the town tourism also fell which effectively killed the town
Flooding can cause many problems for the environment and people. For the environment things like plants and trees are destroyed by the water, they can be completely pulled down by the power of the water. Also animals in the local area lose their habitats as they get flooded, they could even drown in it. For effects on humans the properties can be destroyed leaving many homeless people, Businesses can be ruined and food/ water supplies can become tainted. This will cost the town a large sum of money to repair which they might not get back. This makes it hard for people to stay in the area as there is always the risk of it happening again. Also if the area is good for tourism then it is highly unlikely that tourists will visit again. At Boscastle, in the south west of England, in Cornwall a flash flood occurred in 2006. In a matter of a few hours the whole town was underwater with only the roofs of the buildings showing. As a place where tourism is key for local businesses this was a heavy blow to their foundations. It also caused a lot of damage to the locals homes as well. Although this did a lot of damage there weren't any deaths.
5/6 Excellent answer Brandon, very detailed and accurate. Too much for 6 marks but good all the same. Need to get more SLI in it! What about the harbour?
Flash floods can happen in just hours and there is nothing people can do about it. In August 2004 a flash flood occurred in Boscastle (Cornwall) the flash flood happened because loads and loads of rain all came at once and the river burst its banks and water came rushing through the town taking cars with it and destroyed and flooded buildings. This ruined Boscastle's economy as tourism is the main way the town makes money and the flood closed down everything in the town and nobody wanted to go there so the tourism stopped for a while.The economy was also affected and they needed to find the money to pay for all the damage. The flood also affected the environment as farms were ruined and the water got contaminated.
When a town is in an area that is prone to flooding, there can be quite dramatic circumstances. Boscastle (in the south west of England) is an area that is prone to flooding. In August of 2004 a flash flood occurred because there was such a large amount of rainfall in such a short amount of time. This caused a rivers bank to burst further up the river next to Boscastle which enabled thousands and thousands of gallons of water to pour onto and flood the town. People were forced onto the roof of their houses as there was water two stories high. Businesses were ruined and there were thousands of pounds of damage done to the whole area. The environment was also damaged by the flood as there were tons of debris spread around and trees and wildlife in general had been swept away.
Many towns are affected by flooding and the effects can be devastating. Bos castle is a town situated in north cornwall ( 23 km from Bude)and Boscastle is a prime example of towns being affected by flooding in the uk. In august 2004 civilians and tourists where affected by a flash flood in Boscastle. These flood was cause by high levels of heavy rainfall and clouds staying in the same area. These where the main two contributors towards the flood but there where many other factors that caused the flood. For example the amount of tributaries on the river. the heavy rainfall caused the river bank to overflow and break consequently allowing thousands of gallons of water into the town. Many factors contributed to making the flood worse and more dangerous such as the road being a impermeable surface, this made it easier for the water to run off of and travel through the town. Another factor is the surrounding cars that caused a large impact on the damage caused. The towns economy was seriously affected by the flash flood as the town is based around tourism and relys on it to survive. Many hotels in the area earn 2 thirds of there profit in the summer holidays and as the flood was only 3 weeks into the holidays there losing a third of there annual income. Not only was tourism and buisneses in the local area affected so was the residents and there homes. Many houses where completely flooded and this had created several problems. Not only where people effected so was the environment many habitats where washed away and so was a lot of tree's and plants. This could have created a serious knock on affect for the wildlife in the area. But although the effects of the flash flood where devastating no one died so it wasn't that bad.
6/6 - Excellent Luke, very detailed explanation (too much for a 6 marker) but showing good understanding none the less. You have shown me you know the case study.
Carefull with capital letters, place names and months of the year should all have capital letters at the start.
floods can detroy whole areas and people they cause dramatic effects on both. i will firstly talk about effects on people... firstly the most obvious but worst of them all is death and injury caused by drowning and deadby hitting people. it can also can be very7 expensive to repair damage and can leave families in debt.flood that happened in boscastle in 2004 ruined the town in under 24 hours this is because it was a flash flood which means know one had time to prepare. there are also alot of effects on the environments for example it can seriously affect the towns economy also animals habitats can be destroyed and animals and live stock can drown. floods also destroy peoples houses and can shut down electricity to a certain palce
4/6 - Some good points with explanation Max but no SLI here! Also, CAPITAL letters, make sure you are using them correctly, place names, months and at the beginning of sentences.
The Boscastle flood was a flash flood which meant it occurred within just a few hours. As the flood was not prepared for the town was completely washed away. Many people also sustained injuries due to the force and depth of the flood.
The flood also had an impact on the environment as the water may have been contaminated which could have damaged the surrounding forest in particular the trees and animals could have poisoned.
The flood almost destroyed the whole town which contained peoples houses, cars and business' especially hotels which provide the area with most of its income. This will have a negative impact on tourism which means the area will lose money.
The flood occurred in the south west of England, 2004 and had a devastating effect on the environment and economy.
Flooding can mean damage to property a loss of belongings for people that live in affected areas. Transport can be disrupted. The flood water can contaminate the water supply. Flooding can also cause a loss of wildlife habitat. Also, it can destroy vegetation and contaminate soil because of sewage from the flood water. In Boscastle, on the north coast of Cornwall, there was a major flood in 2004. Buildings were destroyed and many properties were damaged. It dramatically effected tourism and has caused a loss of money for the town.
Flooding has affects of people by destroying infrastucture and the economy of a certain area. For example, In 2004, Boscastle had a devistating flood causing damage to buildings, businesses and the economy. This destroys peoples livelyhoods and possessions ect. It can also cause damage to the environment as the water can sweep infrastructure and even sewage into farmland, the ocean etc. The flood that hit Boscastle had a tremendous afftect on the local economy and the environment.
The effects of river flooding is devastating for people and environment. Bostcastle (situated in the south west of england north west of cornwall) lost out significantly in 200 as a flash flood ruined the economy of the town as it was in the 6 week holiday which was the main source of income for the town ALL YEAR! As the flood was so horrific it destroyed over a 100 cars and washed away peoples possessions. The inhabitants of Bostcastle were forced on to their roofs and had to pray for their lives having phycological impacts. The river banks would have to be replaced and the town would have to be cleaned up - which spends money when in a time the town should be making money. The enironmental issues arent as bad but trees and pplants are still lost which causes loss of habitat and means the soil is too saturated for crops to grow (existing crops would of died in the flood; this is another impact).
Human impacts of flooding include: destruction of property causing economical problems in the community; crops and food is destroyed and washed away leaving people with no food to eat and increasing a demand; tourism is lost from dis-encouragement from the devastating floods and destruction of the area. The Environment is affected from river flooding. Effects include: debris from destroyed buildings and homes gets washed into to the sea and pollutes the sea; habitats are destroyed and animals are wounded and even killed from starvation and from being drowned. Boscastle was effected from river flooding in august 2004. It suffered a flash-flood that caught the community off-guard and unprepared, leaving them at a high risk with no protection to their property. 50 cars were lost in the flood and the cost for the rescue operation was high causing economical problems.
5/6 - Well done Hadley, got some SLI in there but again not enough to get 6/6. Too much writing here too, we could put the points from the first two paragraphs at the beginning straight into the case study and leave it there.
One of the impacts that flooding can have is that it can damage businesses in small towns such as Boscastle, these jobs are so a town can be self sufficient and not need to import and export so many goods. Another big impact that flooding has is the damage to the amount of tourism comes to a certain area, for example if an area was likely to be flooded you're not as likely to go there and spend money on the community. An environmental impact of flooding is that habitats are destroyed, farm land is ruined, soil creep can cause valleys to slump down and disrupt a river's flow, causing it to flood other nearby areas of low land.
4/6 - Showing great understanding of river processes James, nice work! BUT, no SLI so we can't get into Level 3 yet. You need to put those points into a case study context... What actually happened at Boscastle?
flooding can have devastating effects on the people of the of these affect is on the local economy for example in Boscastle the area gains lots of money through tourism however after the fool in 2004 the areas tourism has decreased.Another effect flooding can have on the local people is on there homes businesses an can course physical harm to the people of the area. An example of this is in Boscastle where luckily there where no fatality however many homes, belongings and shops where destroy.
flooding can also have an effect on the local environment as it can destroy farm land, crops and course mass movement like slumping and soil creep.
Flooding can cause many problems for people and the environment around them. For people, it can cause many friends and family to be lost, and many homes destroyed or heavily damaged. In the case of the environment around the flood, it can destroy forests which contain large amounts of plant life, and can destroy farms which hold live stock, water and also a lot of plantation. In 2006, in Boscastle, Cornwall, South west England, a flash flood hit which caused the people and environment of Boscastle huge problems. For the people, some lost their homes, and many people’s homes were heavily destroyed. As for the environment, farms (which people hugely relied on in Boscastle) were completely under water and the live stock and water was contaminated. In addition to that, all the plant life on the farm and around was completely and utterly destroyed.
4/6 - Great effort Will and well structured. You could leave the first paragraph out and add a some SLI to your answer and you'll get into Level 3. I need to see that SLI!
Flash flood have become an increasing problem for many towns/cities/area's affected. For example in 2004 Boscastle (south West of England) a flash flood occurred which caused major problems for the people situated in and around Boscastle. A lot of people lost houses and self made businesses. As for the local environment many of the farm land was destroyed affecting the maintaining of crops.
Cam, you just need to add a tiny bit to this (a little more explanation and some SLI) and we're in Level 3. At the moment though, mid Level 2. A good length answer, but just missing some crucial details.
Flooding can severley influence people's lives for the worse, injuries, loss of property and loss of loved ones are all affects caused by flooding in crowded destinations such as Boscastle,rivers can overflow due to torrential rain and when this occurs most are unexpecting, even individuals that live on flood plains aren't always prepared. People are left decimated as loss of jobs are a major problem and should be taken into consideration when a city or small town tries to recover, aswell as lack of crops and food which can cause severe health issues.
Luke, a good answer and well written but there isn't a balace between the social and environmental effects, neither is there any SLI. You have made valid points which would get you to mid Level 2.
Can you add some SLI and environmental effects below...
Flooding can have many effects on the environment and people. for people it can destroy properties that can leave many homeless, water supplies/food supplies can be contaminated with diseases and businesses can be totally ruined. For the environment it can destroy plant life, can destroy animal habitats and can cause soil creep.
An example of flooding is Boscastle (south west of England), in 2004 in a flash flood unexpectedly hit Boscastle which left the whole town underwater in a couple of hours. For a town that relies on tourism for income, this was a massive blow to the infrastructure. even though a lot damage was made, there was no deaths.
4/6 Great effort Dan, but not enough SLI or explanation for a solid Level 3. We could combine the two paragraphs too to make a shorter more punchy answer.
Reflect on the mark scheme below and how it fits with your answer and my feedback.
Indicative content: Loss of land, damage to possessions, cost of defences, loss of life/injury Except reference to dams for flooding.
Level 1 (1-2 marks) A basic answer Simple descriptive statements about flooding. Could be about any river.
Level 2 (3-4 marks) A clear answer Level two is reached by there being an explanation about the effects of flooding management for a chosen example. The top of the level requires a range of specific facts relating to the flood or a number of explanations of effects. Or one of each.
Level 3 5-6 An explicit answer A range of specific facts relating to a flood event and with clear explanation of effects of flood.
the boscastle flood of 2004 effected the economy in dramatic ways. after the flood hit on the 14th august tourism levels dropped dramatically which was one the contributing facts to boscastle economy. it also had a dramatic effect on the people living in the area. houses , cars and businesses were all swept awqay by the flood leaving poeple homlesss and without businesses. 115 cars were swept away but there were no deaths.
Well done Frank, you have included some SLI for social effects but nothing mentioned for environmental. Maybe you mixed economic and environmental. At the moment you would get mid Lever 2.
One of the effects that flooding has on people is a huge blow to the local economy. In the Bocastle floods, local tourism levels dropped. This impacted the local economy dramatically as tourism is one of Bocastles main profit makers.
ReplyDeleteAnother effect of flooding is property damage. In the Bocastle floods cars, businesses and homes were damaged or destroyed. As a consequence, the local livelihood dropped significantly and left many people traumatised and depressed by the event.
Furthermore, the natural beauty of Boscastle was ruined due to the floods. After floods, rivers often get contaminated with paint and chemicals from property destruction.
Lastly, floods can damage crop and livestock. The water kills or uproots plants that can be sold or that attract tourism and livestock that may be kept to sell or to attract tourism can be injured or even killed.
4/6 - A great attempt Riaz. Check the mark scheme and focus on the Level 3 criteria. The answer doesn't need to be long, but EXPLICIT. Facts, clear explanations of the effects. 'X' happened, social effects were 'x, y and z' as a result. Environmental effects were...
DeleteWhy did tourism levels drop...? for example.
Thanks for your feedback, these comments will be acted upon in future tasks. :)
DeleteFlooding can affect people dramatically. For example in the Boscastle floods (16 August 2004) had completely drowned the whole town within a few hours. The flash flood meant people had no time to prepare for the flood meaning thousands of personal possessions were lost in the flood water. This also meant that food and water could have been contaminated causing more deaths and diseases.
ReplyDeleteAnother point is for the economy. The floods had completely damaged the town, destroying homes, cars, and worst of all, destroying the main part of Boscastle's money making business: Tourism. This affected the town massively, meaning that repairing houses costed borrowed money, as the money made from tourism had been lost.
Floods completely damaged the environment too. Contaminated water got into the soils of trees and plants, meaning they had nothing to help them grow. Local livestock and farmer's land was also destroyed by the floodwater whether is may be from bad chemical filled drinking water or by just drowning, and meat was another money making part of Boscastle's economy.
I wrote too much.. I think I got too into it
DeleteGetting too into it is fine for now, but for exam practice's sake, try to limit yourself.
Delete5/6 - some great points and well explained.
See criteria for Level 3 = explicit...
... were people killed at Boscastle? Avoid exaggerations. Same for some of your environemntal effects regarging livestock.
Those are points that could be left out and shorten the answer.
Ok thanks sir, will work on trying to shorten answers but leave in key points
DeleteThe affect that flooding can have on people can sometimes be quite devastating. In areas that are prone to flooding, people are more prepared for floods. However, in places where flash floods occur, people are not prepared, and therefore these floods can affect them greatly. Personal possessions are lost and destroyed, and not all of them can be replaced. Cars can be washed away; and example of where this happened is Boscastle.
ReplyDeleteFlooding also affects the economy, because businesses and attractions for tourists are destroyed, and this has a massive impact on the economy.
An impact that flooding has on the environment is that it destroys the landscape of the area. Flooding can also contaminate soil and water supplies, and kill animals and crops which bring in an income.
4/6 - Good answer Dylan but again for Level 3 - more explicit needed. Remember... SLI!!!
Deletei.e. how many cars? What tourist attractions? What about the harbour?
Flooding can affect people in extreme ways. For example the Boscastle floods which happened on the 16 August 2004 destroyed, devastated and drowned the whole town in less than a day. This was a flash flood which meant that people in the area had no time to prepare for the flood which resulted in thousands of peoples belongings and possessions were lost in the flood water. Also the Flood may have reached high enough to wash away or cover the foods in filthy water which could have many harmful bacteria causing illness
ReplyDeleteThe flooding also affects the economy because the flood had drastically damaged the town, destroying homes, cars and what was most important for the town in general Tourism. This affected the town abundantly meaning that repairing damaged houses costed the town money they did not have because the money made from tourism had been lost.
The flooding obviously damage the environment as well. Contaminated water damaged trees and plants, killing them. local farmer's land had also been destroyed meaning they could not grow crops and had no food for their animals, and meat was another part of Boscastle's economy.
why does my second paragraph not show out very clearly...?
Delete4/6 - Similar points for you Seb to Dylan's above. I need some more SLI!!! How many cars etc? Show me you know what happened to Boscastle!
DeleteGood effort though.
ill remember the SLI next time tahnks for the feedback sir
Deleteflash floods can effect people in a lot of ways!the flood that happened in boscastle in august 2004 ruined a town under 24 hours. this is a flash flood which means no one has time to prepare for the flood. this can damage cars, buildings and even the whole town. flooding can destroy the economy if businesses are ruined and it can stop tourists. this can also affect the environment by destroying plants, trees and could cause farms to be destroyed because they wouldn't be able to grow crops.
ReplyDelete4/6 Good effort Ellis. Watch capital letters at the begining of sentences. Again, much like above... SLI! How many cars, what about the harbour and local fishermen etc?
DeleteFlooding though due to modern technique, the effects can be reduced the flood can sometimes overcome the barriers often causing major damage to the area often causing millions of pounds of damage and in some cases loss in life, it can also mean that the town now has contaminated food supplies.
ReplyDeleteIn the case of Boscastle, in Cornwall. There was a massive flood.Though there was no loss of life , it was a hit to the infrastructure and buildings were lost and the town was destroyed a a flash flood that lasted only a few hours. The town who's revenue came from tourism and farming collapsed as entire farmlands were flooded with contaminated water and livestock was lost.Since the flood destroyed the town tourism also fell which effectively killed the town
4/6 - Second paragraph was excellent Rudra, you could afford to leave the first one out. Well explained and linked points but no SLI for Level 3!!!
DeleteWhat ACTUALLY happened in Boscastle?
Flooding can cause many problems for the environment and people. For the environment things like plants and trees are destroyed by the water, they can be completely pulled down by the power of the water. Also animals in the local area lose their habitats as they get flooded, they could even drown in it. For effects on humans the properties can be destroyed leaving many homeless people, Businesses can be ruined and food/ water supplies can become tainted. This will cost the town a large sum of money to repair which they might not get back. This makes it hard for people to stay in the area as there is always the risk of it happening again. Also if the area is good for tourism then it is highly unlikely that tourists will visit again.
ReplyDeleteAt Boscastle, in the south west of England, in Cornwall a flash flood occurred in 2006. In a matter of a few hours the whole town was underwater with only the roofs of the buildings showing. As a place where tourism is key for local businesses this was a heavy blow to their foundations. It also caused a lot of damage to the locals homes as well. Although this did a lot of damage there weren't any deaths.
Delete5/6 Excellent answer Brandon, very detailed and accurate. Too much for 6 marks but good all the same. Need to get more SLI in it! What about the harbour?
I understand.
DeleteFlash floods can happen in just hours and there is nothing people can do about it. In August 2004 a flash flood occurred in Boscastle (Cornwall) the flash flood happened because loads and loads of rain all came at once and the river burst its banks and water came rushing through the town taking cars with it and destroyed and flooded buildings. This ruined Boscastle's economy as tourism is the main way the town makes money and the flood closed down everything in the town and nobody wanted to go there so the tourism stopped for a while.The economy was also affected and they needed to find the money to pay for all the damage. The flood also affected the environment as farms were ruined and the water got contaminated.
ReplyDelete4/6 A strong answer Henry but not enough SLI for Level 3. I need explicit facts about the effects. Great effort.
DeleteWhen a town is in an area that is prone to flooding, there can be quite dramatic circumstances. Boscastle (in the south west of England) is an area that is prone to flooding. In August of 2004 a flash flood occurred because there was such a large amount of rainfall in such a short amount of time. This caused a rivers bank to burst further up the river next to Boscastle which enabled thousands and thousands of gallons of water to pour onto and flood the town. People were forced onto the roof of their houses as there was water two stories high. Businesses were ruined and there were thousands of pounds of damage done to the whole area. The environment was also damaged by the flood as there were tons of debris spread around and trees and wildlife in general had been swept away.
ReplyDelete4/6 - A well written and structured answer Nick but it lacked the SLI to fully access Level 3. What businesses for example?
DeleteMany towns are affected by flooding and the effects can be devastating. Bos castle is a town situated in north cornwall ( 23 km from Bude)and Boscastle is a prime example of towns being affected by flooding in the uk. In august 2004 civilians and tourists where affected by a flash flood in Boscastle. These flood was cause by high levels of heavy rainfall and clouds staying in the same area. These where the main two contributors towards the flood but there where many other factors that caused the flood. For example the amount of tributaries on the river. the heavy rainfall caused the river bank to overflow and break consequently allowing thousands of gallons of water into the town. Many factors contributed to making the flood worse and more dangerous such as the road being a impermeable surface, this made it easier for the water to run off of and travel through the town. Another factor is the surrounding cars that caused a large impact on the damage caused.
ReplyDeleteThe towns economy was seriously affected by the flash flood as the town is based around tourism and relys on it to survive. Many hotels in the area earn 2 thirds of there profit in the summer holidays and as the flood was only 3 weeks into the holidays there losing a third of there annual income. Not only was tourism and buisneses in the local area affected so was the residents and there homes. Many houses where completely flooded and this had created several problems.
Not only where people effected so was the environment many habitats where washed away and so was a lot of tree's and plants. This could have created a serious knock on affect for the wildlife in the area. But although the effects of the flash flood where devastating no one died so it wasn't that bad.
6/6 - Excellent Luke, very detailed explanation (too much for a 6 marker) but showing good understanding none the less. You have shown me you know the case study.
DeleteCarefull with capital letters, place names and months of the year should all have capital letters at the start.
floods can detroy whole areas and people they cause dramatic effects on both. i will firstly talk about effects on people... firstly the most obvious but worst of them all is death and injury caused by drowning and deadby hitting people. it can also can be very7 expensive to repair damage and can leave families in debt.flood that happened in boscastle in 2004 ruined the town in under 24 hours this is because it was a flash flood which means know one had time to prepare. there are also alot of effects on the environments for example it can seriously affect the towns economy also animals habitats can be destroyed and animals and live stock can drown. floods also destroy peoples houses and can shut down electricity to a certain palce
ReplyDelete4/6 - Some good points with explanation Max but no SLI here! Also, CAPITAL letters, make sure you are using them correctly, place names, months and at the beginning of sentences.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe Boscastle flood was a flash flood which meant it occurred within just a few hours. As the flood was not prepared for the town was completely washed away. Many people also sustained injuries due to the force and depth of the flood.
ReplyDeleteThe flood also had an impact on the environment as the water may have been contaminated which could have damaged the surrounding forest in particular the trees and animals could have poisoned.
The flood almost destroyed the whole town which contained peoples houses, cars and business' especially hotels which provide the area with most of its income. This will have a negative impact on tourism which means the area will lose money.
The flood occurred in the south west of England, 2004 and had a devastating effect on the environment and economy.
4/6 - Well done Stephen, good answer but not explicit enough to reach Level 3, we need more SLI! Well structured though.
DeleteOkay I will add more S.L.I. to my answer next time.
DeleteFlooding can mean damage to property a loss of belongings for people that live in affected areas. Transport can be disrupted. The flood water can contaminate the water supply. Flooding can also cause a loss of wildlife habitat. Also, it can destroy vegetation and contaminate soil because of sewage from the flood water. In Boscastle, on the north coast of Cornwall, there was a major flood in 2004. Buildings were destroyed and many properties were damaged. It dramatically effected tourism and has caused a loss of money for the town.
ReplyDelete4/6 - Well done Jed, a clear and concise answer but not enough SLI to reach and complete Level 3. A few precise facts would push you to 6/6.
DeleteFlooding has affects of people by destroying infrastucture and the economy of a certain area. For example, In 2004, Boscastle had a devistating flood causing damage to buildings, businesses and the economy. This destroys peoples livelyhoods and possessions ect.
ReplyDeleteIt can also cause damage to the environment as the water can sweep infrastructure and even sewage into farmland, the ocean etc.
The flood that hit Boscastle had a tremendous afftect on the local economy and the environment.
4/6 Well done Harry, similar ot comments above, good length answer but we need SLI!!!
DeleteCheck spelling too, devistating... devastating.
The effects of river flooding is devastating for people and environment. Bostcastle (situated in the south west of england north west of cornwall) lost out significantly in 200 as a flash flood ruined the economy of the town as it was in the 6 week holiday which was the main source of income for the town ALL YEAR! As the flood was so horrific it destroyed over a 100 cars and washed away peoples possessions. The inhabitants of Bostcastle were forced on to their roofs and had to pray for their lives having phycological impacts. The river banks would have to be replaced and the town would have to be cleaned up - which spends money when in a time the town should be making money. The enironmental issues arent as bad but trees and pplants are still lost which causes loss of habitat and means the soil is too saturated for crops to grow (existing crops would of died in the flood; this is another impact).
ReplyDelete5/6 - Well done Christian, enough SLI to access L3 but not a full 6. SLI for environmental effects would do it.
DeleteRead your answer through, 200?... and capital letters. Very important!
Habitats and Eco systems were also destroyed
DeleteHuman impacts of flooding include: destruction of property causing economical problems in the community; crops and food is destroyed and washed away leaving people with no food to eat and increasing a demand; tourism is lost from dis-encouragement from the devastating floods and destruction of the area.
ReplyDeleteThe Environment is affected from river flooding. Effects include: debris from destroyed buildings and homes gets washed into to the sea and pollutes the sea; habitats are destroyed and animals are wounded and even killed from starvation and from being drowned.
Boscastle was effected from river flooding in august 2004. It suffered a flash-flood that caught the community off-guard and unprepared, leaving them at a high risk with no protection to their property. 50 cars were lost in the flood and the cost for the rescue operation was high causing economical problems.
5/6 - Well done Hadley, got some SLI in there but again not enough to get 6/6. Too much writing here too, we could put the points from the first two paragraphs at the beginning straight into the case study and leave it there.
DeleteOne of the impacts that flooding can have is that it can damage businesses in small towns such as Boscastle, these jobs are so a town can be self sufficient and not need to import and export so many goods. Another big impact that flooding has is the damage to the amount of tourism comes to a certain area, for example if an area was likely to be flooded you're not as likely to go there and spend money on the community.
ReplyDeleteAn environmental impact of flooding is that habitats are destroyed, farm land is ruined, soil creep can cause valleys to slump down and disrupt a river's flow, causing it to flood other nearby areas of low land.
4/6 - Showing great understanding of river processes James, nice work! BUT, no SLI so we can't get into Level 3 yet. You need to put those points into a case study context... What actually happened at Boscastle?
DeleteI'll use SLI, thanks for the feedback.
Deleteflooding can have devastating effects on the people of the of these affect is on the local economy for example in Boscastle the area gains lots of money through tourism however after the fool in 2004 the areas tourism has decreased.Another effect flooding can have on the local people is on there homes businesses an can course physical harm to the people of the area. An example of this is in Boscastle where luckily there where no fatality however many homes, belongings and shops where destroy.
ReplyDeleteflooding can also have an effect on the local environment as it can destroy farm land, crops and course mass movement like slumping and soil creep.
5/6 - Just into Level 3 Ed, mention of... "however no fatalities" and the way you explained the effects on tourism.
DeleteEd, you must proof read your work, check for spellings, punctuation and capital letters.
Ok thanks sir I will make these Improvements next time
DeleteFlooding can cause many problems for people and the environment around them. For people, it can cause many friends and family to be lost, and many homes destroyed or heavily damaged. In the case of the environment around the flood, it can destroy forests which contain large amounts of plant life, and can destroy farms which hold live stock, water and also a lot of plantation.
ReplyDeleteIn 2006, in Boscastle, Cornwall, South west England, a flash flood hit which caused the people and environment of Boscastle huge problems. For the people, some lost their homes, and many people’s homes were heavily destroyed. As for the environment, farms (which people hugely relied on in Boscastle) were completely under water and the live stock and water was contaminated. In addition to that, all the plant life on the farm and around was completely and utterly destroyed.
"a lot of plantation"?
Delete4/6 - Great effort Will and well structured. You could leave the first paragraph out and add a some SLI to your answer and you'll get into Level 3. I need to see that SLI!
Flash flood have become an increasing problem for many towns/cities/area's affected. For example in 2004 Boscastle (south West of England) a flash flood occurred which caused major problems for the people situated in and around Boscastle. A lot of people lost houses and self made businesses. As for the local environment many of the farm land was destroyed affecting the maintaining of crops.
ReplyDeleteCam, you just need to add a tiny bit to this (a little more explanation and some SLI) and we're in Level 3. At the moment though, mid Level 2. A good length answer, but just missing some crucial details.
DeletePlease add these below...
Flooding can severley influence people's lives for the worse, injuries, loss of property and loss of loved ones are all affects caused by flooding in crowded destinations such as Boscastle,rivers can overflow due to torrential rain and when this occurs most are unexpecting, even individuals that live on flood plains aren't always prepared. People are left decimated as loss of jobs are a major problem and should be taken into consideration when a city or small town tries to recover, aswell as lack of crops and food which can cause severe health issues.
ReplyDeleteLuke, a good answer and well written but there isn't a balace between the social and environmental effects, neither is there any SLI. You have made valid points which would get you to mid Level 2.
DeleteCan you add some SLI and environmental effects below...
Flooding can have many effects on the environment and people. for people it can destroy properties that can leave many homeless, water supplies/food supplies can be contaminated with diseases and businesses can be totally ruined. For the environment it can destroy plant life, can destroy animal habitats and can cause soil creep.
ReplyDeleteAn example of flooding is Boscastle (south west of England), in 2004 in a flash flood unexpectedly hit Boscastle which left the whole town underwater in a couple of hours. For a town that relies on tourism for income, this was a massive blow to the infrastructure. even though a lot damage was made, there was no deaths.
4/6 Great effort Dan, but not enough SLI or explanation for a solid Level 3. We could combine the two paragraphs too to make a shorter more punchy answer.
DeleteMark Scheme
ReplyDeleteReflect on the mark scheme below and how it fits with your answer and my feedback.
Indicative content:
Loss of land, damage to possessions, cost of defences, loss of life/injury Except reference to dams for flooding.
Level 1 (1-2 marks) A basic answer
Simple descriptive statements about flooding. Could be about any river.
Level 2 (3-4 marks) A clear answer
Level two is reached by there being an explanation about the effects of flooding management for a chosen example. The top of the level requires a range of specific facts relating to the flood or a number of explanations of effects. Or one of each.
Level 3 5-6 An explicit answer
A range of specific facts relating to a flood event and with clear explanation of effects of flood.
the boscastle flood of 2004 effected the economy in dramatic ways. after the flood hit on the 14th august tourism levels dropped dramatically which was one the contributing facts to boscastle economy. it also had a dramatic effect on the people living in the area. houses , cars and businesses were all swept awqay by the flood leaving poeple homlesss and without businesses. 115 cars were swept away but there were no deaths.
ReplyDeleteWell done Frank, you have included some SLI for social effects but nothing mentioned for environmental. Maybe you mixed economic and environmental. At the moment you would get mid Lever 2.
DeleteAdd some SLI for environmental effects below...